Things have been really busy this week, but I have managed to stay on the train!! YAY for me.
A little worried that we haven't got enough numbers for the conference, but if worst came to worst I am sure we would be able to cut back on some of the venue costs etc. I think it will be okay, but if you are intending on coming to the conference can you please register at I also decided that with my blog as I mentioned before I am going to start reviewing some WLS products. These maybe things that I have actually tried or maybe even things that I find in our extended communcity that I would love to have here in NZ.
The first of these is Slimpressions® Shapewear I have included a link on the side for you to click on. The one product I would love to try is 'the Have Not's' as they scoop under the bustline, and they have arm compression. Which means that my flabby horrible upper arms would be contained. The also have a chocolate brown so not your standard undergarment colour
Slimpressions® Shapewearhave emailed me and said that they hope to send through a couple of their products to give away at the conference. So if you want to know more or to find out if you can win the $500 worth of their products, click on the box above. (I am not sure if it is open to New Zealand people but maybe worth a look anyway since our $ is so good and it makes the prices not sure extreme)
As I mentioned in my last post by blood results have been going in the wrong direction, well, they still are, but I think I have a handle on it. I have had a cold over the last couple of weeks, but I am over that now as well.
I weighed yesterday morning, and it said 115.1 kgs, which was bit better than a figure I saw last week. I have gotten back in touch with some people in the US who inspire me greatly and they have started up a FB group called Accountabilibuddies and it is a place where you can help each other and support each other without judgement. So I am using that tool, and also getting back into the support that the you tube community also gives me.
So how does that relate to a train? Well I watched the following video, and Gastric Rose is so right, the train is still there on the track, it is just me that has gotten off at a station along the way for a look see around and I have losst my way back. So now I know where the train is, I got to catch it. Here is her video:
Also AJ, who is one of my accountabilibuddies.
So there you are, a couple of people who through their journeys are helping me through mine. I can either sit back and slide down the slippery slope and regain, or I can find my way back to the train and at least be on track to acheiving my goals, even if at times it feels like the train has stopped or going slowly.
I'll be posting updates and also some reviews of products or recipies that I find along the way. I am going to kick start myself, (although I am not sure the new gluten free raspberry slice is a good way to go, but certainly a little better than what I have been doing).
So, obviously I have not kept up with the Daily Bites, and I think that I need to stop these for the time being as I am not coping with too much on my plate.
We moved in May and then went on holiday. Came back from it and just got stuck into everyday life and the start of organising the next WLS Conference. This is not going as smoothly as last time, possibly because people have expectations, and we have also upped the anti by having an international speaker in Katie Jay. (who wrote the Small Bites). I also think that because of the Small Bites, I lost some of my personality in my blog, and I certainly noticed that people stopped commenting, and providing the support that I know I need atm. So I won't be updating the same way for a while, it will be more personal instead of the small bites.
Healthwise things have gone a bit pear shaped...I am still on steroids and unfortuately I have gained around 15kgs over the last two years. Not happy about that at all and I know that a big part of that gain is actually me not eating correctly for either my gluten free or for my surgery. I seem to have lost a lot of motiivation there and it becomes a big circle of not coping. The second immune suppressant has failed and they have now got me on a third one and it is taking a while for my body to accept the new regeime.
We still don't know anything about our on-going work situation, so the best we can do is just take that day by day till we know what happens. I am not too worried about it for the meantime and we will get plenty of warning of any changes.
We are still undergoing the process of fostering, it can take a while, and with moving it certainly delays things a bit but still looking forward to hopefully one day being able to help a little one.
The conference planning is going well, a little slower than last year as we have more of a committee approach to the planning, which of course slows things down. Also we have a couple of hiccups with one of our speakers and I have had to find a replacement at short notice. But all good, and roll on November. Well, that is probably enough for now, it has taken a couple of hours to write in between the phone, facebook and watching telly with my hubby. catch you again soon.