Sunday, February 14, 2010


Happy Valentines Day all. Si and I do not do anything special for Valentines as each day we have together is a blessing.

So what's been happening, well I had my hours for my job confirmed on Friday, and I have been lucky enough to get full time hours for the time being.....still late shift, but still full time.
So my hours are going to be 11:55 am till 8pm Mon - Thurs and then on a Friday I am working 11:55 am till 3:30 pm. I will then be on permanent Saturday morning from 9am till 1pm, but overall I am really happy with the hours as I will still get some me time in the mornings, and because we are living 5 mins from work, it will not too late to eat together, especially if I have started the preparation in the morning. I can see my slow cooker getting lots of use....LOL.

Oh - I bought a little second hand scooter to take me to work and back, and after I buy a helmet I will start using that daily to get too and from work as the parking is really bad in our area of town. Simon called it a bumblebee as it is yellow and is 22 years old, but it was cheap and seems to be running fine.

Last night we headed out to a friends birthday is actually his Birthday today. It was such a fantastic night meeting new people and we had such a great time. I managed to cope with the low carb situation really well and actually apart from the potato salad there were very little in the way of carbs. I did have a little birthday cake and dessert, but I was very happy with the choices I made.

The meals we are having at the moment are so scrummy, and I am really appreciating the flavours of food. Everything seems so much fresher and of course everything is far less processed.

Oh, Si has also changed his website around for his music, so if you want to take a listen go here.

I will update in the morning as to what my weightloss for this week is, but lets just say, it is looking like by actually following what the surgeon recommends I am going to have a great loss for being over 2 years post op!!


  1. Those hours are pretty good..... and yay about the food. Really sounds like things are really falling into place for you all :-)

  2. How neat that you have a permanent job again.. and a scooter! I loved my scooter.

  3. Thats fantastic about the hours and the job and WELL it all is balancing out again for you. I LOVE slow cookers!!!
