Thursday, January 12, 2012

Getting a plan in action

So, I am getting a plan into action and arming myself with some pretty cool resources. 
I have found Pinterest and it is amazing what you can find on there. Some of the things I have been finding are here if you want to check out my boards.

I am really inspired by a couple of people in our community, and one of those who is Lynda, who is really the first person who inspired me to blog about my weight loss journey about 9 years ago when she was living in Wellington. The other is a private blogger Jenny, who is finding some amazing recipes.

Now one of the things with the Paleo/Low Carb is I do need to be careful of the fat content due to the Weight Loss Surgery. I know this is something that I will need to balance, but it sure is much better than eating all of the other stuff I was before. 

I am also very aware of my budget at the moment, and things are tight, so I can't just ignore the food I already have in my cupboards and freezer, but I can be sensible and not buy in anymore CRAP!!

Today at work we had a shared afternoon tea, which I thought was meant  to be a I didn't go prepared for lunch. However, I did go and get Sushi rather than heading upstairs to the cafe for the deep fried concoctions and doughnuts. I should however have gotten the smaller pack rather than the medium size one, as I could have stopped after a few, but continued to eat the whole packet!!!!! I then had the afternoon tea and did succumb to some of the chippies, which was stupid cos they weren't a flavour I even liked!!!!

I did however stay away from all things that contained Gluten, so I was happy with myself for that. I have to, as my skin and health are feeling better for staying away, and my blood tests are also showing a good results and are almost back to normal range, which means I might be able to reduce my steroids down after 2.5 years. That will be something to celebrate. 

I have found some good resources, and the latest one is a 14 Day Paleo Meal Plan, which just shows how much variety you can have. I think there can be a trap to any change of food and that is the fear that it is going to be boring and all the same- all of the time.

Last night I told Si I was going to make a Thai Beef Salad, and I know he was reluctant as it was planned for the night before but he wanted something else. Well last night I did it anyway, and I made my own dressing, granted some of it was from store board sauces, oils and spices etc which long term I would try to find an alternative or learn to make from scratch, but he actually said it was the yummiest salad he has every had. So maybe it will be easier to incorporate this style of eating into our house than I thought.


  1. That's the way, make the food and Si will never know the difference. You will find a plan that works for you and if you try new recipes etc there is no need to get bored.

  2. Well done Janine! I'm also going low carb and Lynda is a huge help with her support and also Jenny with her recipes.

  3. Glad I have given you some inspiration :) You have a lot of challenges to incorporate into a healthy eating plan for yourself but I am sure you will steps to begin :) You are making a start and that's awesome.

  4. Hi Janine,

    Have you considered a item by item Paleo diet plan?
