Saturday, March 26, 2011

Learn the difference between snacking and grazing

The NAWLS Small Bite for today is

Learn the difference between snacking and grazing. 
Snacking and grazing are not the same thing. Snacking has a healthy purpose. You snack because you need a short supply of energy for your body. A snack is planned, including the quality of food you eat, the quantity, and the time of day. Grazong has no purpose other than to manage emotions or sooth our boredom. 

An honest self-assessment should help you determine whether you are sacking or grazing, but if you're not sure ask your nutritionist. Most WLS patients struggle with the urge to graze from time to time. You learn strategies to curb grazingm including determining what, if any, lanned snack you may need to inlcude in your eating plan. If you are struggling, don't keep it a secret. Ask someone you trust to help you develop strategies that will work for you. 

Action for the day:
Start a food diary today and keep it or three days. Write down what you ate, the time and quantity, and what you were feeling when you ate. Bring this with you the next time you see your nutritionist, and start to explore solutions to your grazing problem. 

© 2007, Katie Jay. All rights reserved.
I know I was definately falling into the grazing section, and even was at the last minute changing planned meals to enable me to eat the wrong foods. Since stopping that and actually listening to my body I feel so much better.

1 comment:

  1. Well done Janine for recognising what was happening and taking action. I shall need some tips for that when I get back
